Thursday, March 08, 2007

a bigger victory.

major online ad agency cuts off it's network. yes, this might seem like any other update, but this development is much more newsworthy (and painful to ann coulter) than individual advertisers pulling their ads.

the kos blogger who started the campaign posted the individual advertisers first, then the ad agencies buried in the end of his post. i thought this wasn't the most effective format, but hey, i'm not going to push.

although it might seem exciting to hear advertisers like verizon and mitsubishi pulling out, when individual advertisers pull out, it's like pulling leaves off a tree one by one. as long as the ad agency is serving ads, other people's ads will continue to appear.

but if the ad agency itself pulls out, ALL advertisers using their service have effectively been pulled. instead of lopping off leaves, you've lopped off a large branch.

want to unroot the tree? contact the william morris agency and/or the hosting service of the website.

i'm just sayin'...

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