Thursday, March 08, 2007

um, what's the point?

i have no problem with outing closet cases if they directly harm gay rights by spewing anti-gay rhetoric. for example, ted haggard. those people deserve to be outed. but why the glee in outing a guy whose aim is simply to get more respect for the military? sure, he's kissing up to pinheads like hannity, o'reilly, and even she-who-must-not-be-named, but on a matter that might be incidental to gay rights, but does not go to the heart of gay rights.

outing people like sanchez and posting uncensored photos of him in his porn days and calling him "dirty sanchez" is just unnecessary and juvenile. and it shows a lack of focus. what i've seen so far are conservatives rallying to his side, praising him on being a changed man, and disparaging the left as hate-filled. is that what you wanted? ugh. and on the heels of coultergeist too... any legitimacy the left gained from coulter opening her mouth and being herself may have been put into question.

tell me... how is posting his contact information, his hardcore gay porn shoots that he did FIFTEEN YEARS AGO when he was college-aged, any different from the crazy bastards who posted the contact information and photographs of the law school women on xoxohth? the guy has been getting threats for crying out loud, and since he is poised and unapologetic, he looks like a martyr for the right.

i'm not even going to name the source. i read you every day, but you're on link embargo today! :-P


emily1 said...

would that be daily kos?

FM said...

nah, joemygod. one of my favorite bloggers actually. occasionally i disagree with him, but a very good read.

bradzcooked said...

Emily, how can you out a porn star? I don't get it. 7 year career, major major public exposure. Where's the outing?

FM said...

because he's not a porn star anymore, and he hasn't been for a significant amount of time. so, according to you, if you were a porn star at some point in your life, you're a porn star forever? ridiculous.

here's an analogy: i get furious when people tell me i'm straight, because they remember i dated a guy in college. well, i've figured out that i'm not. the "straight" period was a time where i was stumbling around trying to figure myself out. back then, i was trying to find the right guy. now i know i'll never find the right guy, because i like women. if anyone says, "well, you're settling for a woman, because you either can't or haven't found the right guy," it's maddening. i'm not the person i was in college. END OF STORY.

same fucking thing, ok? people change. get over it.

if, hypothetically, i were tagged NOW as a straight girl and unfit to be the president of my law school's gay students' organization, because i thought i was straight ten years ago, i would be plenty pissed. people evolve. people change. people exercise their free will, and to drag them back to who they were in the past is just petty.

if someone told me i will be forever straight because i confusingly identified as straight from ages 12 to 22, i would consider that person insane.

just because he didn't "evolve" the way you like doesn't give you the moral superiority to trash him. although i disagree with sanchez's way of publicizing his views, i feel that he has shown more character than quite a few of the people dancing in glee of his outing.