Thursday, March 08, 2007

Reason #405572633228356236 I'm A Feminist

whiny, assholes with an over-developed sense of entitlement: you aren't hot or sexy or even likeable because you treat women like shit and brag about your failure to respect their personal boundaries. you're emotionally 2 years old and are still obsessed with how good it feels when mommy wipes your ass.


FM said...

(and psst... once the autoadmit/xoxothth folks become lawyers, they migrate to jdjive, which isn't all that much better)

FM said...

p.s. there are very strong laws that shield sites like xoxohth/autoadmit from defamation, privacy, other tort liability. however, if they receive a DMCA takedown notice asking them to take down third party COPYRIGHTED content (or if they didn't implement what's required in the DMCA), they can be on the hook for copyright infringement. why do i say this? because those photos are copyrighted.

section 230 of the communications decency act doesn't shield a web site operator for intellectual property violations.

FM said...

oh and one more thing... a hyperlink to infringing content - depending on the circumstance - may put the linker on the hook for contributory copyright infringement.

yes, this is true. i spend hours researching this for an actual problem.

emily1 said...

you did? when did you do that and how did you know him?

FM said...


hey i deleted my comments relating to the guy's identity and how some of us found out who he was. i don't want to inadvertently attract the psychos.

please check your e-mail to find out more.

FM said...
