Friday, March 10, 2006

another reason why i <3 sandra day o'connor

listen to this NPR piece.

now that she is no longer bound to be impartial, you get to hear what she *really* thinks! the part about how she links (1) government meddling with an independent judiciary and (2) descension into totalitarianism is priceless. also, keep in mind that she used to be a republican senator, so her sharp criticism aimed at certain republican leaders is even more sweet.

"that's right! momma's talkin'!"


emily1 said...

i saw this at kos earlier today. there were some *unbelievable* nasty-ass comments. the word 'cunt' was thrown around with free abandon. people are outright bitter that she retired at all, but also because she waited until now to say something.

some assbag whined about being flamed for calling her a 'cunt' in another thread, finishing off his asshattery with a comment to the effect that people acted like he said the word 'nigger'. i smacked his ass down. i told him that i would have flamed him too because i consider the word 'cunt' to be the equivalent of the word 'nigger'. i think his comment was zero'ed out because i couldn't find it later.

FM said...

um, she COULDN'T say anything when she was a judge, because...

dun dun dun...


you're not supposed to say things partisan in nature when you're still on the bench. there is a code you're supposed to abide by. it was in the MPRE but i don't remember anything more than that.

tell these asses to go to law school before they throw around stupid comments like that.

FM said...

oh here's the thread:

what a bunch of nitwits. i think they should be put in the real world/road rules gauntlet with the LGF nuts.