Friday, February 15, 2008

Transgendered British Boy Hangs Self

another horrible story about a queer kid:

A boy of ten hanged himself after telling his mother that he wanted to become a girl, an inquest was told yesterday.

Cameron McWilliams, who liked to wear girls' underwear, asked if he could start using make-up just days before committing suicide, the hearing heard.

.... more ....
hat tip to queerty.


Anonymous said...

Interesting. And sad. It sounds like his parents were supportive and they said he "seemed happy." The part where they say he was fascinated with recent hangings and how that worked is kind of telling -- no one will really know what the cause of this was.

emily1 said...

his mother and stepfather seem to be denial about the very real possibility that Cameron meant to kill himself. it appears that they were very supportive, but sometimes a supportive family isn't enough. Cameron was bullied, and if he was like most kids i've known (or the kid i remember being), he didn't tell them the full extent of it and the effect it was having on him. bullying has profound and lasting effects on kids, and it often drives them to suicide.