Monday, October 30, 2006

rumblings of discontent

funny i asked the question earlier, where is christine todd whitman anyway?

apparently, right here - lamenting the hijacking of the republican party by crazy people.

the kicker - rumblings of the possible fracturing of the republican party: some disgruntled republicans are actually *hoping* for a loss in the upcoming election, so they can reclaim the party from crazy people.

(my little aside: check out the gay-friendly articles on the site: whoa! wow!)

the new york post endorsing clinton. republicans hoping for a loss. andrew sullivan telling people to "vote democrat or abstain" and composing a post that could have appeared on the daily kos.

and the house of cards starts to crumple...


FM said...
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FM said...

okay re: the cloud above ground zero - yeah, that's pretty blatant.

anyone who came within ten blocks of ground zero up to a couple of weeks after the attacks could have told you, "damn, something ain't right. *cough cough* it smells like burning chemicals and vaporized metal particles. *cough cough* maybe i shouldn't *cough cough* breathe this. i think i'm going to go above canal street now. *cough cough* *hack*"

EPA: "don't worry, it's not *COUGH COUGH HACK HACK* that bad. it looks safe to me."

person standing on wall street: "uh *COUGH COUGH* sure."

FM said...

p.s. ideally, i'd like an honest CHOICE between candidates. it would be nice if i weren't forced to vote democrat every time because the republicans are using wedge issues like 'gay marriage be da devil!' it stinks having to be a single issue voter based on your identity.

and furthermore, because the dems know that most of us will vote for 'em, they take us for granted and don't fully go to bat for us.

i want a third party! something pragmatic and libertarian-ish but not psychotic like ayn-rand worshipping "libertarians".

sad sad sad sad sad