Tuesday, January 24, 2006


a snippet of kevin federline's first rap single. [update: full single plus obligatory visual silliness here]. it is apparently an ode to large female posterior ends.

Kevin Federline: Actually it was the producer I was working with at the time. He is engaged to a girl that lives over there in Sao Paolo; so he spends a lot of time out there. When he comes out, he’s always playing me these like new Brazilian dance tracks, and I kinda like over time just started picking up the language from their mannerisms when him and his wife are talking and stuff. I asked him one day when I heard the beat for “PopoZâo,” “How do you say big butt in Portuguese?” and he was like “PopoZâo.” So I’m like alright well how do you say “get your ass over here and shake it on the floor for me?” So we did this little thang in Portuguese and we ran with it.

yes, THAT kevin federline. the man who wore a tracksuit with the words "pimp daddy" emblazoned on the back as he wed a certain pop star who has a penchant for quickie weddings and even quicker annulments.

ya know, i'm going to go on a tangent.

the biggest unsolved mystery of our time: who is trashier - britney spears or paris hilton?


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