Tuesday, January 24, 2006

man-hating lesbians?

"man-hating lesbian"

that is one phrase i never understood. lesbians have no reason to hate men. lesbians go about their lives not having to deal with the stress associated with having relations with the beings from mars while being a child of venus. when it comes to men, lesbians treat them as buddies or with indifference. there is simply no reason to be bitter towards men, because lesbians are immune to the heartbreak and pain that other women might suffer at the hands of men. we simply don't care about men enough to get involved with them.

the women who do hate men tend to be straight women. they are the ones who have had their hearts broken, been cheated on, and been subjected to various other difficulties while dating the opposite sex. i received an e-mail forward today with the following ditties:

Q: What does it mean when a man is in your bed gasping for breath and calling your name?
A: You did not hold the pillow down long enough.

Dear Lord,
I pray for Wisdom to understand my man;
Love to forgive him;
And Patience for his moods.
Because, Lord, if I pray for Strength,
I'll beat him to death.

Q: Why do female black widow spiders kill their males after mating?
A: To stop the snoring before it starts.

A couple is lying in bed. The man says, "I am going to make you the happiest woman in the world." The woman replies, "I'll miss you.."

man-hating lesbians or frustrated straight women? you decide.

in case you were wondering, we lesbians circulate e-mails making fun of women and the trials and tribulations of dating women. men simply aren't mentioned. yes, i know... SHOCKING...

[addendum: i should make it clear that the above e-mail was circulated among *straight* women, and for some reason, one of these women thought that i would share the same appreciation of kicking men around, which i thought was amusing. silly rabbit, these jokes are for hets!]


Unknown said...


today's word-verification: pryoxkc, which is the sekrit lesbian mantra that, when repeated mentally while shagging a woman, reveals the Sekrit of Why Lesbians Hate Men So Much.

FM said...

shiat! i've been outed! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!


The Wilkinsons said...

I'm with Stewart, what's with the men-hating thing. (If you really want to get somebody going about gays hating genders, talk to my girlfriend about gay men who seem to not-so-much hate women as simply have no respect for their issues. Bring up Andrew Sullivan around her, and chances are her head actually explodes. She can't believe that he constantly asks for sympathies from everybody in his crusades for homosexual equality and then seems to endorse laws that treat women as second class citizens.)

But yeah, back you to be a rampant man-hater...

FM said...

(are you guys joking, because i'm assuming that you're joking...)

anyway, that e-mail was forwarded by a straight friend of mine, and before it got to me, it had made the rounds among many straight women. when i got it, i was like... "um... i can't say i share in your frustration. why do you think i care?" in fact, i sort of felt sorry for guys. (should this e-mail have circulated via work e-mail at these well-known law firms? had a similar e-mail circulated bashing women, i'm sure people would have caused a stink. an e-mail disparaging asian americans circulated at dewey ballantine, and although it was intended to be humorous, people made a huge stink about it.)

anyway, when i went over to this (straight) friend's house, she had a picture of a muscular guy on the wall with the words "this is the perfect man. he won't talk back to you!"

anyway, all of this got me thinking... why do people think lesbians hate men? lesbians have no reason to hate men; men don't cause lesbians heart wrenching anguish. spurned straight women hate men. my girlfriend's heterosexual mother hates men more than anyone i know. she is divorced and bitter.

when i had problems with a girl i was dating my first year of law school, i said to another friend of mine, "yeah, i'm done with dating. it sucks." and her response was, "yeah, men are awful. they should just donate to a sperm bank and jump off the face of the earth." and i was like, "um, she's a girl."

anyway, the pattern i notice is: lesbians either like men and see them as buddies or are indifferent to men. straight women are attracted to men, but they have strastospheric expectations of men and then when they don't meet these expectations, they are upset and angry and often bitter. yet they go back for more. :)

anyway, i do believe there are innate differences between men and women (duh) - and each gender has its own particular idiosyncracies and difficulties, but to go into them would take too long and take too much walking on eggshells. plus, i've done enough sweeping generalizations for today.


The Wilkinsons said...


Seriously, get to the question already: why do you hate men?

(And if you can't tell that Stewart and I are joking, well, we've never ever met, so I'm not surprised. But seriously, we're joking.)

Crafty Andy said...

I can tell you that as a gay man, I don't tolerate hatred of any kind. I do see some lesbians that hate not only straight men, but any man . So I think is the point of liking to hate people and people a hateful person. Equal is not separate, we can reach happiness together no matter who you sleep with lol.