Tuesday, June 21, 2005

that's why there are churches, dumbass


"Even so, there was a strong sense that "the modern educational system in America is a mess," as the Rev. Jerry Vines of First Baptist Church in Jacksonville, Fla., a leading social conservative figure in Southern Baptist circles, said in an address at the convention’s Pastors Conference.

"In modern education in America, we have dethroned God, and we have deified man," Vines said. "You cannot satisfy the human soul with mere education."

you're not supposed to "satisfy the human soul" at school. you're supposed to learn to read, write and do 'rithmetic. teaching people about God? that's YOUR job, rev. vines... eesh.


Unknown said...

you know what with you can't satisfy the human soul? american churches.

screw these kkkrêtins. bring me some buddhists and learn us some peace, love and understanding. i'm tired of ignorance.

wanna read the bible? do it in private, fucker. as the song goes, "keep your jesus off my penis & i'll keep my penis offa you!"

FM said...


and of course the obvious. bringing god into publik skools is UNCONSTITUMITITIONAL. i.e. tres non- american, aiii?