as the user handled "shaggy" points out, "Who ever said Bast was toothless[?]"
whether we attribute this incident to she of perfume jars or to her southern equivalent, the lady of pestilence sekhmet, either way the henrys better take care from now on. bitch be gettin' her scratch on. as CNN reports,
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (AP) - Police say three lions rescued a 12-year-old girl kidnapped by men who wanted to force her into marriage, chasing off her abductors and guarding her until police and relatives tracked her down in a remote corner of, these lions were doing that girl a huge favour. marriage-by-abduction is, regrettably, common - even the standard, in this area of east africa, as the article also mentions:The men had held the girl for seven days, repeatedly beating her, before the lions chased them away and guarded her for half a day before her family and police found her [...] "They stood guard until we found her and then they just left her like a gift and went back into the forest[.]"
"The United Nations estimates that more than 70 percent of marriages in Ethiopia are by abduction, practiced in rural areas where the majority of the country's 71 million people live."which i doubt i need to explain is a totally horrific notion, though not uncommon worldwide.
we have this notion of cavemen dragging their wives around by their hair, when in fact it is mostly us that are doing this kind of thing.
so i'm warning you: echidne isn't the only angry feminist goddess out there. there's clearly at least one more, and she's active in northwest africa, and she's got the felidae under her thumb. and you should know not to fuck with cats, especially when they weigh half a ton.
i dunno who's pulling for us here in nueva inglaterra, but by habit of ancestry i put my money on the fertile six-titted mother. sure, she swings in the cold wastes of kadath with some creepy associates, but our blue-skinned übermomma will make drums from the skins of her enemies and drinking cups from their skulls.
and that's the kind of god you want breathing raspy into the ears of the madmen when you are a woman trying to walk down a dark alley at night alone. you want her, or the bloodthirsty eye of rî3uw or the ferocious she of perfume jars. you want some firepower. someone who will show patriarchists what matriarchists aren't wussy, "womyn's land" hippy vegetarians. no, it takes will and power to rule, whether you are male or female.
moral of the story: repent now, before the really scary gods get involved.
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