Saturday, April 09, 2005

Even Though I Am Completely Swamped, I Shall Post This

yes, i should be studying physics right now, but i just had to share this. remember the kind of excuses you offered for bad behavior when you were five? richard perle recently testified before the Senate Armed Services Committee. the Committee wanted some answers about the buildup to the war in iraq. after all, we haven't found a shred of evidence of weapons of mass destruction.

i present to you perle's rationalization for the fuckupery of the iraq war:

There is reason to believe that we were sucked into an ill-conceived initial attack aimed at Saddam himself by double agents planted by the regime. And as we now know the estimate of Saddam's stockpile of weapons of mass destruction was substantially wrong.
[link via magorn at daily kos]

the guardian says that saddam tried to surrender before the war. there's enough reverse psychology here to make your head spin.

[link via grytpype at daily kos]

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