Thursday, March 03, 2005

the nfl considers "gay" a bad word but not "hitler" or "nazi"

i heard this on the z100 morning show today, so i decided to check it out.

a fan of randall gay, cornerback for the new england patriots, was dismayed he couldn't type in "gay" to personalize his nfl jersey:

link here - type in "gay" and a two digit number (his real number is "21" if you want to be anal retentive).

yes, it will show up on the pop up rendering of the jersey, but when you close it, there will be a warning signal on the form field in which you typed in your entry.

no dice!

now try "lesbian" - same thing. "quickie" also comes up with a warning message.

now try "hitler" - no error.

and "nazi" - no error.

so the programmer for the nfl was given directions to ban "quickie", randall gay's last name, but "hitler" and "nazi" were fine. *scratches head*

1 comment:

Amy Stein said...

You can purchase Miroslav Satan jersey, t-shirts, etc. on

You can also customize a jersey with "SATAN," "JESUS," "GAY," or "GAY JESUS."

Try it: