Saturday, November 27, 2004

random call for help

1) if you, say, discovered a technics su-g90 stereo amplifier abandoned by someone moving out of your building, and you adopted it out of the kindness of your heart... but the orphan didn't come with a power cord... will this mumbo jumbo mean anything to an electronic store employee? AC 60hz 120v 355w 485va. i'm not carrying the thing in. it's huge.

2) how do you attach your computer to this thing? what sort of converter do i need?


i have also rescued a minolta xd11 from the rubble. i don't know anything about old school cameras, but "minolta" is a name that isn't too shabby. that i know. apparently, they're worth quite a bit on ebay.

living in the grand ol' "ICCM" is fabulous for many things, one of which is finding cool shit left in the hallways when people move out. people here are notoriously wasteful, which is good for me! my futon frame, my bookshelf, my microwave, my tv stand/mini-drawers, my wicker picnic basket (with two compartments for wine), and now my minolta and technics amplifier... are all rescues. my sony television set was $25 off of craigslist; our breakfast table was $50 off of craigslist, and to get it home, we hitched a ride with a lesbian couple with a van. and you should see what's in my roommate's room.


Unknown said...

you called it "ICCM"!

FM said...

and i'd like to change the "I" to "international." :D