Tuesday, April 19, 2005

ratzinger's legacy...

one of the guideposts by which we might review ratzinger is his most recent work. it has included:

* An "Eyes-Only" internal document banning transsexuals from entering consecrated life, ordering the expulsion of all current transsexual consecrates and ordering church workers not to change baptismal records or otherwise accommodate transsexual worshippers (2003) - how very christian and charitable of them. it's important to keep the freaks marginalised, don't you know.

* dominvs iesvs or "Lord Jesus", a document endorsed by jp2 and subtly subtitled "On the Unicity and Salvific Universality of Jesus Christ and the Church", which rescinds the Vatican II notion that there is salvation for those who aren't Roman Catholic (V2 had rescinded the old dogma extra ecclesivm nvlla salvs - "outside the church there is no salvation") (2000) - there is a lovely analysis of the work here. i especially like the lists of ratzigner's explicit statements of what he believes. in a chilling, "i like horror flicks starring me" kind of way.

* the lovely Considerations Regarding Proposals to Give Legal Recognition to Unions Between Homosexual Persons (2000), which does what you'd expect but goes another league or two into the offensive: it says strictly heterosexual behaviour is the definition of what it means to be a human being and not an animal, it claims that it has been demonstrated that the children of homosexuals grow up stunted and evil, and says homo relationships are evil, selfish things that do not benefit society because homos don't breed (yeah, i realise they preceded that point with the one about the children raised by homo couples, but i'm not the one with cognitive dissonance here - don't kill the messenger).

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