under "new world order (conspiracy)" on wikipedia:
Lyndon Larouche and the House of Windsor theoryAWESOME. i knew that prince harry was trouble!
The perennial U.S. presidential candidate Lyndon LaRouche claims that the "New World Order" is a conspiracy directed by the House of Windsor (the British royal family), which, he asserts, also controls the international Illegal drug trade. He claims the Fabian Society (of which H.G. Wells was a member) was secretly financed by the Royal Family so that the Windsors could gain control of the eventual world government. LaRouche asserts that as of 2006 the Neo-Conservatives (especially Dick Cheney) are working with the House of Windsor to set up a type of fascism throughout the world which LaRouche calls synarchism and which, he claims, the Neo-Conservatives hope will become the basis of the New World Order [15]. George W Bush and Tony Blair are thought to have iniated NWO.
Dorothy, you could try to be a little more accurate. There are the bankers in London and the Cayman Islands who are running the British Empire all over again, and yes, with their friends like Dick Cheney too. For more, see my blog, or www.larouchepac.com or even http://www.realcrash.com/pink-cadillac-giuliani-bruce-springsteen/
dude. i copied from wikipedia. go complain to the wikipedia editors.
hold on. em1 - is this cleverly disguised spam? i can't tell.
Wow, did someone just seriously direct us to Larouchepac? WTF dude, CULTISTS GO HOME
So that's what they do all day - spam the web for discussions of Larouche and inject hot beef lovin'. Eww.
Also, none of us are Dorothy, dumbass. WE'RE WAITING FOR HER!
i guess that answers my question: it *is* cleverly disguised spam.
but keep it around. it's sort of funny.
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