Tuesday, August 28, 2007

obesity crisis.

may i hypothesize? could it be that we're actually working longer and tied to our desks all day, despite what dipshit claims to report?


Unknown said...

I think you put your finger on a very valid point. When we aren't working, the last thing on our mind is "exercise" or even "eating right" (if you can afford to even do that). You are worried about getting the kids off to school or their multitude of activities (btw, you are stuck there until the activity is over, usually...so no gym stops...not that you'd have time for such when you have to worry about more than one child getting to their afternoon destinations). When we are home, we are just trying to keep up with all the crap that can't be done at work like housework, errands, oh yeah, and sleeping. From what I can tell, we are being overworked. The last thing on our mind is "working out".

FM said...

hell, i know i don't exercise! now i'm still considered thin, but i've noticed i gained an inch on my waist in the past year. i think it's due to just sitting around for 11 hours a day.