Thursday, August 23, 2007

**Censored For Excessive Profanity**

i think we should find this guy and kick the crap out of him and then make him work the 14 hour days and enjoy the measly vacations that we've all become accustomed to before he's ever allowed to bitch about the american work ethic. i'm _sick_ of hearing about how lazy american workers are as an answer to why we're losing ground in the global economy. we get less time off and fewer benefits than workers in other first world nations. we also don't get affordable college and graduate educations like people in other first world nations. we're used to graduating with debts larger than the down payment on a house. a house we can no longer afford because the federal reserve has been the finance industry's bitch for the last 8 years.

when asshat editors of magazines for the economic elite start bitching about the american work ethic, what they mean is that they expect americans to give up their puny 2 week vacations, their 40 hour work weeks (hah!), their weekends (as if they really exist anymore) and work 14 hours a day every day of the week with no holidays like factory workers in china. fuck that. i say we raise this asshole's taxes and then offshore his job to india. they speak english there, so they can write articles about how much american workers suck for a lot less money.


FM said...


what a douchebag of the highest order. i googled him and checked out his picture - he is a baby boomer. consequently, he is either unaware or readily dismisses what we little young'uns are experiencing in the labor market: sub-standard or non-existent health care insurance policies, stagnant wages, higher hours, and crushing debt.

i don't know a single person who works less than 45 hours a week! not the attorneys around here. not the tech admins. not the paralegals. not the dudes who are outside jackhammering the sidewalk all day. (oh wait... i do know a couple of public schoolteachers.) but in the private sector? was he three sheets to the wind when he wrote that article? is he absolutely MAD?!

i would picket in front of his house, but dammit... I HAVE TO WORK!

emily1 said...

not just that. he's a rich baby boomer. this dude is SOOOOO not middle class. whenever some yahoo starts braying about lazy american workers, you can bet he's got a fat wallet, a fat stock portfolio and a fat paycheck.

FM said...

whee! they approved my snarky comment!

emily1 said...

where is it? i can't find it.

FM said...

my real initials.

emily1 said...

dude. can you email it to me? i don't see the comment. i searched way down the list too. there's nothing with your real initials.

FM said...

sent in email