Friday, April 13, 2007

(d)evolution of the space monkey.

since i spent hours researching dalek's art before deciding to buy, here's a little visual timeline depicting the evolution of his well-known space monkey character. some images may have been cropped.

a wall somewhere, late 90s or 2000.

displayed as part of an installation, 2001.

2003 - displayed at the now defunct ox-op gallery in minnesota.

2004 - displayed at ox-op.

2005, displayed at the contemporary arts museum in washington, dc

2006 (i think).

2007 - currently being exhibited at jonathan levine gallery in manhattan

2007 - jonathan levine gallery in manhattan

the space monkey also makes appearances on skate decks, toys, other products, and as a playable character in tony hawk's underground 2.

1 comment:

emily1 said...

i think this guy's art will be worth millions one day. i can't wait to see more of his large canvas work.