Wednesday, March 07, 2007

they're coming!

evangelicals - namely the southern baptists - find new target to destroy: giuliani, the republican frontrunner.

why? he had a messy divorce.

this is yet another example of the disconnect with reality from which fundamentalists and social conservatives are suffering. instead of bringing far-reaching social or economic concerns to light, they concentrate of stupid things like family squabbles and sexual infidelity, things that should only matter to those persons involved. the general public does not need to get involved, or care.

if you want to attack giuliani, attack his policies, such as his "yawn!" and "PFFTTTPPTHH!!!" attitude towards the new york city public school system and his indifference to the collateral damage of his (albeit successful) crusade to rid new york city of crime (google "louima and diallo").

the fact that socio-cons continue to obsess over a candidate's sex life, to the exclusion of matters of public concern, shows that they have divorced themselves from public debate.

1 comment:

upyernoz said...

the thing is that nationally, at least, conservatives don't know all that much about giuliani's policies. all they know about him is his reaction to 9-11 that allegedly shows his sterling moral fiber. giuliani's been encouraging that by touring around the country and talking about "character" rather than concrete proposals

so the details of his divorce cut right to the heart of his appeal. it's not just a "messy divorce", it's the fact that he publicly humiliated his ex-wife and children in the media during the course of the divorce, and that his ex- had to get a restraining order against him that barred him from entering the gracie mansion. if giuliani wants to talk "character", then i think that stuff is fair game