Monday, March 05, 2007

the gift that is ann coulter.

the more she talks, the more ridiculous the right wing looks. the top three republican contenders scramble and sweat, denouncing her remarks. a townhall (conservative portal) blogger calls it "idiotic. disgusting. stupid. moronic." even some right wing christians have vocally denounced her verbal flatulence.

the great thing is that the ann coulter brand is, in the eyes of the public, so intertwined with right wing politics that no amount of denouncing her will completely erase the connection. and knowing ann coulter, she won't back down. she won't tone down her moonbat psychotic ranting. it is a GOOD thing that the public associates her with mainstream republican thought. because as she gets increasingly more loony, people will be turned off by what they perceive to be mainstream republican politics. in fact, the majority, or at least the plurality of republicans and independents seem to be gravitating towards giuliani and away from the "god, guns and gays" crowd. and we know what coulter thinks of giuliani... oh yes! she actually DISSED him publicly, the republican frontrunner, the one who appeals to a broad base, at CPAC! if she is perceived to be the barometer of right wing thought, most right wingers will be viewed as lunatics. please, ann! keep talking! the more you talk, the more you energize all but the most theocratic fascists to vote against anyone associated with your platform.

look, edwards is going to raise $100,000 because ann coulter opened her mouth! ann coulter's big mouth is the best gift for anyone who doesn't fall into the category of the "christian right".

update: this kos diarist agrees. however, one of the commenters is under the impression that ann coulter's act is... well... merely an act and compares her to andy kaufman (thereby insulting andy kaufman).

another update: a small but growing contingent of moderate freepers, who had been systematically dismissed as "trolls" or even worse, are becoming increasingly vocal about socio-cons and useless windbags like coulter.

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