Wednesday, January 31, 2007


i posted something about having trouble voting in mid-term elections in hudson county, nj. this wikipedia article says that hudson country is the most democratic county in new jersey. it is the bluest of the blue.

then it occurred to me... they must have thought i was a wall street commuter... dun dun dun... a republican. *gasp!*



PNB said...

LOL...still unclear if u r a demo or a rep.....pardon my abbrv:)

Being a bergen resident- I have yet to figure out if its is all blue or all red....but for sure it is GREY............ a smog covered taxes/economy/war :)

Care to comment???:)

FM said...

bergen i've heard is red in the north and blue in the south. but recently, a little more blue all around.

bergen county is supposedly the "O.C. of the east" which is ridiculous. like hackensack looks like the O.C., lol. i think that distinction should be given to morris county, which is a lot more red.

me: neither dem or rep, although i dislike the reps more, especially in recent years.

FM said...

oh and the foulest part of new jersey is elizabeth, which is that stretch of the nj turnpike around exit 13(?) 14(?) where chemical plants and refineries keep spewing their fetid crap into the air. one time i was heading home from south jersey, and my gf says "hey, is that smokestack on fire?" and yes, there were flames coming out of said smokestack. then we looked around and saw that there were MANY smokestacks spewing black smoke and flames. and this was NORMAL.
