Monday, November 06, 2006

unintentionally hilarious flier distributed by the new york state republican party.


what could this possibly be saying?

"if you vote democrat, people who don't believe in values like clipping their cuticles and keeping their nailbeds tidy WILL GRAB YOU IN THE STREET AND PREVENT YOU FROM ENTERING A NAIL SALON!"

oh my!

(yes, i KNOW they're trying to instill a vague sense of xenophobia with this ad, but i'm tired of taking these things seriously, especially when they don't warrant a serious response. so let's just keep it light... put your own caption to this ad in the comments if you feel the urge.)


FM said...

hell, i'll start: "if you vote democrat, you will grow man hands and become a lesbian!"

FM said...

okay i can't stop.

vote democrat, so i can have sexytime with your fifteen year old daughter. it's nice! - borat

Unknown said...

"If you vote Democrat, you too will receive a fever-blister!

-Paid for by the Partnership for Internship/Congress Relations"

emily1 said...

i'm thinking that the message is something along the lines of, "Voting for pinko commie democrats means your daughter/sister/wife will be mugged and raped."

FM said...

a vote for a democrat is a vote for illegal immigrants to displace your kind and to force-feed your daughter masa tortillas in her school cafeteria. if they keep crossing over, your white children will never know the sweet taste of wonderbread. this must be stopped!

FM said...


Vote Dem: Sinead sinks her teeth into the Pontiff's hand, and he dies of whatever disease that harlot was carrying.

Vote Repub: Pope takes Sinead back to the Vatican and forces her to grow hair like a nice lady.