Monday, October 02, 2006

very short note

anyone who counters the mention of the foley matter with an utterly ludicrous and irrelevant mention of barney frank's hiring a male prostitute in the 1980's is a moron. scuzziness aside, equating the private business of two consenting adults with a grown man making sexual advances towards a high school boy is like comparing apples and oranges. i think that all the scuzzballs who make advances towards young girls should be tossed out on their behinds as well.


The Wilkinsons said...

You talking about this? What a loser.

FM said...

actually i had just come back from reading freerepublic - i was curious as to what those lovely simians would manage to babble, because i'm insane.

and gaypatriot? this time, he drank a little too much grape flavor aid.

The Wilkinsons said...

But it Grape Flavored Kool Aid tastes so good.

FM said...

oh now people are screaming "lewinsky!" again.

16 is not 22.

a kid who reacts by writing the word "sick!" thirteen times is not the same as a 22 year old who comes onto a guy and then SAVES A CERTAIN BLUE DRESS FOR POSTERITY.

Anonymous said...

This is going to come out sounding entirely wrong here, but anyway, here it is: What are the implications of the fact that the age of consent in Washington D.C. is 16? Any? Of course, anyone in a position of that kind of authority is essentially setting up a harassment situation -- not to mention being fairly scuzzy and unethical. But what are the legal implications? I'm also interested in the fact that there's supposedly a federal statute that makes it criminal to "solicit sex via the internet" with a minor. How does this federal law jibe with local age-of-consent statutes? Age of consent valid except in cases where the intenet is involved. And when does making sleazy suggestive comments become "soliciting sex" (I don't know the exact wording of the statute). I'm just saying this is a slippery criminal slope here.

FM said...

as far as we know, no actual sex took place - i've only heard reports of come-ons and possible cybersex chats. so what's cybersex? also, i've read something where the congressman invites a high school kid over to his house to "party" and drink - is there anything else that hasn't been published? maybe there is solicitation somewhere in those transcripts.

and what if the minor is in a state where the age of consent is 17 or 18? (i suppose that's why there is this federal law - so there is no question as to what age to apply.) then again, i haven't looked any of this up.