Wednesday, August 23, 2006

no p.c. police please...

new "survivor" to separate contestants into tribes determined by race. i hope no one tries to block the concept. i, for one, want to see how things pan out. the concept may be wading into hot-button territory, but i think in such a race-obsessed culture where race relations and race-based tribalism are often swept under the rug, seeing it in action might prove informative and educational. most importantly, it will foster discussion. it puts it right out there in the open. (americans are also obsessed with sex, yet we are also afraid to talk about it. dysfunctional society, no?)

[i am almost anticipating an e-mail from the uber-lefty asian-american lgbt group whose list i have been added to, asking me to protest. they also asked me to protest "israeli terrorism" by submitting poems to some site called the "electronic intifada." i remember coming across a post on that website on another occasion. it was a post that urged queers to boycott world pride, because they say israel is an illegitimate country that sucks sucks sucks. okay, i hate to switch topics so quickly, but if you are a queer, and you had a choice to protest the policies of a country that recognizes civil unions and allows you to serve in the military and is allowing a FREAKING INTERNATIONAL QUEERFEST within its borders OR a place where coming out would result in death or dismemberment, which one would you protest? i don't know. maybe i'm just slow, but some people's hearts and minds seem to be in the wrong place. come on, fellow queers, just because you're gay doesn't mean you have to drink (FAR) left wing kool-aid...]

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