Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Ubuntu: The Dapper Drake

i upgraded via the update system last night. it was not entirely painless, and it probably would have stymied those who are not familiar with linux. nevertheless, it took about an hour to complete the entire process. i was never able to complete a reinstall of Windows 98 SE in under two hours. i am impressed. i've been impressed since i first installed ubuntu over a year ago. i've never stayed with any particular distro this long.

it's an incredibly user-friendly variety of linux. software updates are a breeze even if upgrading the OS requires a little linux know how. the synaptic package manager makes installing and uninstalling software incredibly easy. i think it's almost at the point where your average joe would feel completely comfortable with it. microsoft, be warned.

oh yeah, i never have to worry about viruses. of course, as the popularity of linux continues to grow, that will probably change. but for now, with its comparatively tiny user base, it is an unattractive target for script kiddies looking to stir shit up.

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