Tuesday, April 04, 2006


another reason why chapel hill / carrboro rules:

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they're part of the REAL orange county.

that's right. UNANIMOUS, bitches. UNANIMOUS. in the election year (2004) when democrats were too scared to do or say... well... um... anything. and chapel hill decided to go the extra mile and tack on "gender identity" and "gender expression" on an anti-discrimination ordinance as well. oh and check the date on this little domestic partnership thingamajigger right here. that says 1995, not 2005. (fact: jesse helms was still senator back then.) i was still a teenager in 1995.

if two little towns in the middle of red state north carolina has the cojones to affirmatively and unilaterally push for gay rights in the middle of a risky political climate, why can't the democratic party grow a set of balls?

what, scared of offending working class minorities? oh yeah, check out durham county. still chicken?

sorry, but this just annoys the hell out of me.

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