okay, so i haven't tried installing civ iv onto my laptop yet, but it appears that the game requires some ridiculous features that i am unsure my computer has.
this is what my brand new computer has:
Windows XP
Celeron® M Processor 360(1.40 GHz/400MHz FSB) 14.1-in XGA 32MB Video
Memory: 1GB DDR SDRAM 2 Dimms
this is what the game requires:
* Windows 2000/XP with SP1 or higher
* Intel Pentium 4 or AMD Athlon CPU with at least 1.2 GHZ
* 256 MB RAM
* 64 MB graphics card with Hardware T&L (GeForce 2/Radeon 7500 or better)
* DirectX 7 compatible soundcard
i know that if i open the box i won't be able to return it, so someone please answer the following questions **in layman's terms** (i.e. monosyllabic words a second grader can understand).
1) how likely will this game work if i try installing?
2) i have a dell laptop. is upgrading possible?
3) what should i buy to upgrade, so this stupid game will run?
4) how much will said update cost (the cheapest possible solution)?
i already looked at the forums, and they're basically in greek, so please don't send me the link. i don't know what "geforce/radeon 7500" means. i don't even know what a video card is. normally i use my computer to write briefs, surf the internet, run itunes, and run photoshop at the same time - which is why i have so much RAM. but the other stuff - i have no clue.
anyway, if it will cost over $50-$75 to upgrade my computer, including labor, it's really not worth it, and i will return the game. but i don't want to open the game to find out, because then i'll be stuck.
Friday, March 31, 2006
computer gamers! please help!
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9:25 a.m.
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ATI mobility Radeon 9000 32bit
your graphics card is not a 64 MB card. i did a google search and some people do play it with your card (which has 32 MB video ram i think), but i don't think results are universally pleasing. you probably will not be able to upgrade the video card in your laptop.
blah. i'm going to return the game and get my $50 back. :(
so, lemme get this straight. this game came out *last* year. i got my computer *this* year. this game, which is one of the most popular games of all time and which *doesn't* involve complicated 3D action sequences like running through mazes and shooting several things at once, *cannot* run on a brand new middle of the line Dell, a computer that is in the "entertainmnent powerhouse" category.
i've googled around, and it appears that a lot of people are having issues with this game not running on their brand new computers. ya know... this game has a different audience than the realistic shoot 'em ups - i'm so *not* in that audience that i don't even know the names of said games where you pack on weapons and run around 3D mazes and shoot at people or aliens in camouflage.
i'm just a laywoman who wants to play a stupid civilization game.
nice job, firaxis programmers. idiots. way to turn off your audience.
i think most games are designed for desktop systems nowadays. the reason why you're having trouble is that you want to play it on a laptop, which has mmuch more limited options for modification.
it makes sense, but i don't know anyone who buys desktops anymore. it's just not a wise purchase for mobile professionals who live in tiny apartments in big cities in the northeast.
are you going to buy a desktop that takes up unnecessary space and you can't lug to the various wireless hotspots all over town, or are you going to buy a laptop?
firaxis SUCKS!
oh, so a cursory reading has turned up the following - the creators decided to make graphics snazzier and the hand to hand "action scenes" fancier this time around. was that really necessary? the charm of this game was seeing things like almost cartoon-like graphics of angry residents rioting in your cities and cheesy animation between your half-inch tall archer shooting little sticks at your enemy's knight which inevitably ends with your archer flopping to the ground going "argh."
boo on firaxis again!
(is it completely backasswards that not being able to play this game has caused me more frustration than not getting a job at a law firm?)
please don't answer that question. :)
"To chime in...I'm using a 32mb ATi Radeon Mobility 9000....and the graphics are fine....it's a bit slow, but fine. Also, I used the omega drivers and that seemed to help."
hmm... maybe i'm okay? i guess the radeon 9000 is a good card, but the 32mb part scares me. hell, i'm going to open the box...
well... slower performance is pretty much the end result of having that graphics card. since it's not an action game, it won't affect gameplay.
it's working fine for me. the big talking hatshepsut head looks like she has a bad sunburn, and there is a lag time between button-pressing and units moving, but that's the extent of the annoyances so far.
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