Thursday, February 09, 2006

About ^!#$!!&* Time

libby is rolling on cheney.


emily1 said...

i'm not sure that fitzgerald is fishing for more dope on libby. he may be using libby to fish for dope on cheney. i'm just wondering where this is going to lead. the narrative up until now has been that bush didn't know who the leaker was. he also stated that he would fire anyone involved in leaking valerie plame's CIA status.

there is also the issue of a certain batch of 'missing' white house emails pertaining to the subject of the investigation. remember when karl rove 'found' the email to matt cooper at the last minute? i'm wondering if there are going to be some more 'oops there it is' discoveries of 'missing' emails.

in order to erase an email from the white house system without destroying lots of equipment, you'd have to perform some major cyberpunk mojo spell on every hard drive involved, including multiple backup servers. a decent data recovery technician can find all sorts of deleted data, even if the drive has been formatted and wiped.

you also have to remember that for every email sent, there is a person who receives it. if that person's email address is external to the local white house network (a reporter for a major publication, for example), then several copies of that email will be left along the way when it is delivered. the intended recipient will also have a copy of the email.

it would not be difficult to prove that the email came from the white house, because every email contains a treasure trove of information about the sender. perjury was the hook to squeeze libby, i think. all he needed to do was prove that someone was lying. since it has now been confirmed without a doubt that plame was NOC, the water libby is boiling in just got hotter.

FM said...

ah yes. don't even TRY to format or wipe your hard disk. my company has employed an entire team of technicians whose sole duty is to pull of deleted information from hard drives. they have this huge conference room full of gutted computers of high ranking executives from [company name omitted]. these documents are then scanned into large databases that are easily searchable. you won't believe the things you find.

we even go through and check the number of consecutive sectors in hard drives to see if there are any anomalies (i.e. if someone tried to wipe out an entire portion of the disk) - i spent the last couple of days making all sorts of charts and graphs for the computer foresics team to see if anyone tampered with the drives by looking at peaks and valleys in consecutive sector reports.

this job is so bizarre. one day i'm doing legal work, another day i'm crunching numbers, another day i'm burrowing for information in a ceo's hard drive. not bad, actually.

FM said...

"damn, i thought he was a bird."

for kicks, they should use this fact pattern as a question on the new york bar exam. if the man dies, will cheney be guilty of depraved heart murder, voluntary manslaughter, or negligent homicide? if he lives, will he be guilty of battery even though his intent was to shoot a bird?
