Sunday, September 04, 2005

topsy turvy

in the fallout of the biggest domino effect of governmental incompetence, even conservatives are at their wits' end. andrew sullivan notes that even michelle malkin is calling for the firing of michael brown. [another note: malkin, who is normally a strict law and order statist, actually praises the 20 year old driver of the "commandeered" renegade bus, calling the young man a hero. did i just agree with malkin. twice? is the apocalypse nigh?]

but seriously. i think at some point, people stop being liberals and conservatives - democrats and republicans - and just start being people. unfortunately, it takes a catastrophe of epic proportions to nudge people out of their hardline political zones into the zone of humanity and common sense.

but just you wait, in a week, the pundits will start drawing lines in the sand and begin beating each other with rubber mallets again.

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