currently on my library bookshelf:
- Meroitica 11-13 (1989-92)
- Meroitica 10 (1989)
- Gender, Cult & Culture in the Ancient World from Mycenæ to Byzantium: Proceedings of the Second Nordic Symposium on Gender & Women's History in Antiquity, Helsinki 20-22 October 2000 (Studies in Mediterranean Archæology & Literature 166, 2003)
- The Flying Camel: Essays on Identity by Women of North African & Middle Eastern Jewish Heritage
- The Book of Idols: Being a Translation from the Arabic of the Kitâb al-A9nâm by Hishâm b. al-Kalbi
- The God Dagan in Bronze Age Syria (Culture & History of the Ancient Near East 19): BL1605.D33 F45 2003
- Family Religion in Babylonia, Ugarit & Israel: Continuity & Change in the Forms of Religious Life: BL1625.F35 T66 1996
- ʻImma, ou Rites, Coutumes & Croyances chez la Femme Juive en Afrique du Nord: DS135.A25 R68 1990
- Contes Berbères de Kabylie: GR353.2.K33 S28
- Colonial Histories, Post-Colonial Memories: The Legend of the Kahina, A North African Heroine: GR353.B43 H36 2001
- Women in the City of the Dead: GR355.W38 1992
- À la Croisée des Études Libyco-Berbères: Mélanges Offerts à Paulette Galand-Pernet & Lionel Galand: PJ2343.A2 1993
- Essai sur la Phonologie du Proto-Berbère: PJ2343.K67 1999
- The Semitic Languages: PJ3021.S46 1997
- A Syntactical Study of Verbal Forms Affixed by -n(n) Endings in Classical Arabic, Biblical Hebrew, El-Amarna Akkadian & Ugaritic: PJ3041.Z49 1999x
- Dialect Geography of Syria-Palestine 1000-586 BCE: PJ3079.G37 2004
- Sex & Eroticism in Mesopotamian Literature: PJ4047.L45 2003x
- Egyptian Proper Names & Loanwords in North-West Semitic (SBL Dissertation Series 173): PJ4127.M83 1999
- Ugaritic Vocabulary in Syllabic Transcription (Harvard Semitic Studies 32): PJ4150.Z5 H84 1987
- Ritual in Narrative: The Dynamics of Feasting, Mourning & Retaliation Rites in the Ugaritic Tale of Aqhat: PJ4150.Z77 W75 2001
- Women, Gender & Language in Morocco (Women & Gender: The Middle East & The Islamic World 1): PJ6074.S25 2003
- The Qur'an, Style & Contents (Formation of the Classical Islamic World 24): PJ6696.Q73 2001x
- Bedouin, Village & Urban Arabic: An Ecolinguistic Study (Studies in Semitic Languages & Linguistics 18): PJ6709.C33 1992
- The Arabic dialect of Sūsa (Tunisia) (Orientalia Gothoburgensia 4): PJ6770.T8 T34 x, 1980
- The Phonology & Morphology of Arabic (Phonology of the World's Languages): PJ6781.W38 2002
- Jewish Life in Arabic language & Jerusalem Arabic in Communal Perspective: A Lexico-Semantic Study (Studies in Semitic Languages & Linguistics): PJ6809.J4 P53 2000
- Afroasiatic Linguistics, Semitics & Egyptology: Selected Writings of Carleton T Hodge: PJ992.H63 2004
- Selected Comparative-Historical Afrasian Linguistic Studies in Memory of Igor M Diakonoff (LINCOM Studies in Afroasiatic Linguistics 14) : PJ992.S46 2003x
- A Grammar of Wambule: Grammar, Lexicon, Texts & Cultural Survey of a Kiranti Tribe of Eastern Nepal (Brill's Tibetan Studies Library – Languages of the Greater Himalayan Region 5/2): PL3801.C44 O63 2004
- Thai: An Essential Grammar (Routledge Essential Grammars): PL4163.S64 2002
- Cambodian Linguistics, Literature & History: Collected Articles: PL4321.J33 1993x
- Modern Spoken Cambodian: PL4323.H83
- The Dvaravati Old Mon Language & Nyah Kur (Monic Languages Studies 1): PL4333.D54 1984
- Vietnamese (London Oriental & African Language Library): PL4374.N427 1997
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