Saturday, December 18, 2004

Little Coffee Addicts

em0's stovetop espresso maker requires regular tinkering in order to function, so we are looking for a replacement. an ibrik is on top of the list, but apparently, they are a bit of a hassle to use.

the brewing instructions:

* Put the water on a low to medium heat for one to two minutes. Add coffee: 7 grams (about two slightly rounded Tbs..) per 2 -4 oz. water, or to taste. The coffee should be powderized ... that is, the finest grind possible. (In fact, this is ONE thing that those whirling-blade type grinders do fairly well).

* If you want cardamom or sugar in it, add it with the coffee. Give the mixture a stir, or agitate it otherwise to get the grounds wet.

* when the heat setting is right it should slowly rise up to near boil-over in 2 minutes or so. As it rises to the rim, quickly remove it from the burner for 20 seconds and let it settle back down.

* Turn the burner down to the lowest possible setting. Put the ibrik back on, and let the coffee rise again, and remove it as before. Repeat this one more time.

* Allow to settle for a minute and serve in very small 2 oz cups. If you want crema you can scoop this off the top of the brew into each cup, then pour the remainder. Pour very slowly to trap as much grind as possible in the bottom of the ibrik.

* Brewing should take 7 minutes or so. If it takes longer, try raising the heat a bit next time.

this brew requires a hella lot of nursemaiding. not that we don't already go through a ridiculous song and dance to coax a few ounces of brew from our current implement. the ibrik is also muuuuuchhhh sexier.

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