Saturday, November 27, 2004

Why Linux Is Both Terrible And Beautiful

you know how geeks get that faraway look in their eyes when they extol the virtues of the vast and legendary flexibility of linux? well, they aren't joking. you can build your own windowing system from scratch if you were so inclined. the most popular linux distros are ready-made desktop systems -- not exactly one-size-fits-all, but customized for certain types of users.

linux isn't known as an expert-level os for no reason. it allows you all the flexibility you could ask for. if oftens gives you more than you can handle. you could even build a linux system from the kernel source code. you'd need a thorough knowledge of what an operating system does. additionally, a passing familiarity with the linux kernel would speed up this arduous process. i also think you'd have to be a programmer, and a damned good one at that, to be successful. very few linux users go that route, but there is a project out there for those who want to try it.

every level of user can be accomodated with linux. for most of its history, the linux os was a hardcore geek's toy. it is long past that stage now. segments of the open source community are working furiously to meet the needs of novice home desktop users. one project targets XP users. a commercial distribution that used to be sold under the name 'Lindows' until they got sued by microsoft is still chugging along.

the best home desktop linux system is Apple's OS X. of course, to run it as your main OS, you need to buy a mac. for experimental purposes, you can run it via PearPC or a commercially available emulator.

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