Friday, November 12, 2004

Readings From An Angry Left

may you smug little fucks be swept before the sleeping giant you have awakened:

from the american street:

1. Gay Rights. The folks who now speak for the Republican party demand that gays be shoved back into the legal and social closet; at the loony fringe, they want them exterminated. Jim deMint, senator from South Carolina, supports a platform barring gays from teaching school. John Thune supports a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage. Both these gentlemen were handily elected by constituencies that presumably approved of their positions.

Now, the contention is that out there somewhere there is a mass of silent Republicans who disapprove of this extremism and would happily accept some kind of middle-of-the-road solution.


2. Abortion. The same Republicans who support second class citizneship for gay Americans also advocate the outlawing of abortion even in cases of incestuous rape or danger to the life of the mother; Senator deMint advocates the execution of doctors who provide abortions. These people favor giving full citizenship rights to a cell mass, and, incidentally, turning women from citizens into walking incubators, powerless to affect their own destiny, always and forever defined and controlled by the cell mass they could be carrying.


3. Religion. The hugely powerful Jesus-freak wing of the Republican party wants to institutionalize fundamentalist Protestantism as a state religion. Mandatory Bible study. Teach creationism instead of science. Accept the Bible as the court of last resort, even if its answer contradicts all physical evidence. Actually, especially if it contradiccts physical evidence.


from pinko feminist hellcat:

You want to talk about contempt, take a look at the right wing’s rhetoric and antics for the past twelve years. We’ve got Jim DeMint, who would deny unwed mothers teaching positions (one supposes Mary Kay LeTourneau would have been hired, pre-divorce). We’ve got pundits and ideologues like Ann Coulter saying the only way you can talk to liberals is with a baseball bat, that it’s just too bad Tim McVeigh didn’t blow up the New York Times building (‘kay, Nicholas?) and that we’re a bunch of America-hating traitors.

You want to talk about contempt, how about the contempt of Alan Keyes who has repeatedly bashed gays? What about the contempt of the people who cheer on Fred Phelps as he pickets funerals and wakes of gays with charming signs that say “God Hates Fags”? Very Christian, that. You want to talk about contempt, how about the utter contempt shown by the right towards anyone who is at all different from them--don’t bother being part of the big tent if you’re gay, if you’re moderate, if you’re in disagreement about the war, if you’re pro-choice, if you wear a pro-civil liberties T-shirt to a Bush rally, or if you’re a deficit hawk.

both links were from i protest. who has this to say:
It's not time to pander to the ignorant. It's not time to adopt the "values" of the religious right. It's certainly not time to compromise the principles that make us what we are. Unlike the Right, we are inclusive. Unlike the Right, we consider the other side and try to make room for dissenting opinions. Unlike the Right, we tolerate contrary views. Unlike the Right, we value diversity. Those and values like them are the characteristics that make us better than the lying, blinkered, pig-ignorant idiots like Adam Yoshida, Alan Keyes and George W. Bush, among many, many others. We don't have to change who and what we are, we just have to change what we do. The truth is exactly what the Right doesn't like, since it contradicts their lies, so we have to trumpet it as loudly and continuously as we can. (And it's not like we haven't been doing that — and it's working! We very nearly won this election and we did win lots of local races in places like Oregon and California, among others.

The anti-abortion crowd likes to call us "baby-killers." So let's call them "murderers." That's their intent, is it not? The murder of hundreds or thousands of women by making abortion illegal and thereby forcing society back into the mold of the past. They know what the cost will be, and they don't care. Anti-abortionists are murderers by intent if not by action. Where are the pamphlets full of pictures of women who died from botched illegal abortions before Roe v Wade, to match the pictures of aborted fetuses? Where are the pictures of those women's parents and children, husbands and siblings? An aborted fetus was never a person, but a woman dead of a botched abortion was. Let's remind people of that.

So the ignorant idiots are afraid of seeing two men kissing? So let's show them even more. Put it everywhere they look. Show loving couples that just happen to be of same sex. Show pictures of the people dead of so-called "gay bashing" attacks. Show pictures of people's fathers, brothers, sons, daughters, sisters, mothers, all of whom just happen to be gay, even though their relatives never knew it. Constant exposure leads to desensitization. (I can attest to that; having grown up primarily in rural areas of the Northwest and South as the son of a bigoted Southerner, I had a lot of prejudice to overcome that had soaked through my skin. It was exposure that cured the prejudice, even more than my intellectual determination to not be controlled by my upbringing.) When you see it enough, it stops being shocking and starts being mundane.

The most important thing is to not surrender. The inmates have taken over the asylum, so we certainly won't be winning very much for a while, but we must keep fighting. The Right now thinks that they can walk all over us. They have a nasty lesson to learn and I will be delighted to help teach it to them. I suspect that they will get a bit of a shock when the "dead" Left suddenly turns in their hand and bites them.


emily1 said...

in the last 24 years, which president actually presided over a budget surplus? clinton. so, let's get over the idea that the republican party is run by fiscal conservatives.

Unknown said...

nice troll, troll. i saw your site - let's see, the latest post was about how lacie deserved it because she was a naggy bitch who prolly never gave head.

go rant somewhere else, fuckface.

emily1 said...

I believe that I made the disclaimer that much on my blog was intentionally inflammatory, and invited you to look past my “troublemaking” to some of the other content. Now you came to my blog used profanities, which I have not and did not on yours. Vulgarity as a means of expression is sometimes the best way to make a point, however vulgarity for lack of vocabulary (Emily0) is sad and a true sign of're a condscending twit. you come here, ask us to 'reach' out to you and ignore the inflammatory remarks on your blog, yet expect us to behave with perfect decorum while you slander our entire gender by writing a snide little misogynist rant that implies that woman deserved to die for such horrible offenses as burning dinner and not giving head. give me a break.

Nowhere on this blog do you use fact to support any of your ideas or feelings, commentary by another fanatic is not fact! Sadly though you wan to see the extension of rights such as marriage extended to all, but you don’t believe in free speech and do engage in censorship.this is *our* blog. we get to say whatever we want on it. exactly where did we say people couldn't engage in free speech? i challenge you to locate an instance on here ANYWHERE where we denied anyone the right to express an opinion.

i've explored all the content i wish to explore on your blog. i'm not interested in 'reaching out' or 'understanding.' wanna know why? because you didn't come here in good faith. you came here with the attitude that you were going to lead us lost little liberals to the right. you didn't come here with the idea of sharing. you came here to 'teach' and to 'lecture.' this is why i get pissed at accusations of liberal latte-drinking arrogance. you seriously need to tend that forest growing out of your eyes.

you don't like what we write here? you're offended by the profanity? you have a choice. exercise it. choose *not* to read what we write here. stop coming to this blog. problem solved.

emily1 said...

it's 'dyke' not 'dike'. if you're going to start flinging anti-gay comments around, please learn how to spell them first!

Unknown said...

"is your view so skewed that you can‘t even see the words before you clearly?."

i musta hit a nerve, your spelling and punctuation have gone beserk.

"At no time did I say “it was ok to kill her because she looked like that kind of chick“, no more of a “I understand because she looked like that kind of chick“."

let's clarify. you didn't say it was okay, you just understood why (he did it). i'm sorry, but there's not much difference. besides which, you understand because she looked like that kind of chick . [sic] is a supremely disturbed thing to say. i mean, did you think about what you are saying?

"Please understand in regards to the Fword, you fucking dike, I had just noticed that you used it like most people use commas, wondered if your vocabulary was really that small, but I realize now that you have misogyny and it’s derivative misogynist."

that is a priceless... um... run-on sentence.

first, dyke, not dike. the latter is a kind of glorified seawall, the former is the girl fucking the hot chicks you wish you were getting instead.

second, i don't use the word "fuck" like most people would use commas, but at least i know how to use commas.

third, you should remember this moment - it's the moment you decided to call me insulting names (presumably because you can't respond to my comments).

fourth, i have no idea what you are talking about because you can't form decent sentences, so i'm going to ignore you from now on. ("derivative misogynist"? that's a noun.)

FM said...

i was going to add something to this thread, but i didn't feel like wasting my brain cells.