Saturday, November 06, 2004

Newton's Third Law


It's not getting any better. Here's Adam Yoshida's idea of "building bridges":

Let’s face a hard truth: this was the bitterest Presidential campaign in living memory. The Democrats and their allies staked everything on the defeat of this President. All of the resources they had accumulated over a generation of struggle were thrown into this battle: and they have failed. Despite all of their tricks, despite all of their lies, the people have rejected them. They mean nothing. They are worth nothing. There’s no point in trying to reach out to them because they won’t be reached out to. We’ve got their teeth clutching the sidewalk and out boot above their head. Now’s the time to curb-stomp the bastards.

Remember the "Curb stomp" guy, Adam Yoshida? I think I found his email address. I used and sent him this little gift:

"Curb stomp?" You want to curb stomp someone, you little Nazi piece of shit? Let me know next time you visit Florida. I'll take you on with one hand tied behind my back. I'll teach you a little something I learned when I (like most 17-year-old liberal cowards) joined the US Marine Corps.

You call this a decisive victory? Yeah, right. Do the math, slug. (What am I saying? If you could do math, you would be a liberal.) 59.5 million voters for Drunkya, 56 million for Kerry. Consider the total of 115.5 million voters. 59.5/115.5 = 51.5% for Drinkyboy and 56/115.5 = 48.5% for the combat veteran.

Let's see.... 51.5 and 48.5 percent... where have I heard that before? Oh yeah, I remember. Four years ago Dumbya and Buchanon got 50,125,000; while Gore and Nader got 53 million. 103,125,000 total. 50,125,000 / 103,125,000 = 48.6% (If you are a little more educated than you pretend to be, you should be able to tell that the other number will be 51.4%)

But "your" (Cannuck, needle-dick socialist-medicine) side still acted like they had a mandate. You always act like you have a mandate, even when "you" are the minority. That's how Hitler did it; that's how the "Dixiecrats" did it after segregation, and that's how conservative pricks ALWAYS do it. Act like the majority until you are. That's why "reaching across the aisle" WORKS when conservatives are in the minority, and not otherwise. (See US Congress and Texas State House, 1990s.)

PLEASE, encourage your (real) American bedfellows to ramrod through as much right-wing crap as they can! Hurl the sputum like there's no tomorrow! Legislate morality with reckless abandon! I love it! The sooner you cavemen go crazy, the sooner you're going to go away.

Please, tell your caveman buttbuddies in the US Congress to outlaw abortion NOW. I hope that when you daughter/wife/mother/sister gets gangraped and conceives, Antonine Scalia makes her carry the baby.

Please, tell your hell-bound draftdodging pals in the US Congress to institute Torte Reform NOW. I hope that a doctor kills someone you love, the judge says you have no recourse.

Please, tell your intern-molesting "high morals" buddies in the US Congress to start another war NOW. I hope the draftboard comes for your yellow-bellied sons and sends them straight to the DMZ.

You are the party of draftdodging cowards, Nazis, and degenerates. That's why the militias and the KKK always support you. Sissies scare you so bad, that if you don't have the nerve to hurt them, you try to make them miserable with your silly laws. You think women are stupid and can't conceive during rape. You think black people are inferior.

All of your national leaders (excluding Dole (R-Traitor), North (R-Iran), and McCain (R-Liberal)) are draftdodging cowards.

Most of your national leaders are degenerate immoralists. Bill Bennet is a glutton and a gambling addict. Ann Coulture is an in-the-closet lesbian. Same with Aunt Condi. Colin Powell is a quota-grabbing liberal that said in his book that rich boys who avoided 'Nam by running to the Guard were a disgrace to our nation. Imus and Glenn Beck are admitted Cokeheads, but no big whoop, so is Dubya. Clarence "Quota" Thomas is a pervert and a--as your side says--"racemixer." As is the draftdodging coward, Phil Gramm. And speaking of draftdodgers, you can add to that list Denny Hastert, Newt Gingrich (R-Married His Intern), Rush Limbagh (R-Oxycontinville), John Asscroft (R-Hell), the list goes on and on.

Finally, the greatest conservative ever, Strom Thurmond, the original Dixiecrat, (who was a war hero but was also a democrat at the time) goes to hell, and what do we discover? He's a racemixer. Oh, and a rapist... and a child molester. Good thing he changed to the republican party, otherwise you'd probably think that was bad.

Pussy little wannabes like you always TALK tough, because talking is the only thing that you can do. Prove me wrong. I have a liberal, size 13 steel toe that wants to make blood gush from your dainty little conservative ear.

Everybody visits Florida at least once. Maybe I'll see you in Disney World, tough guy.

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