Wednesday, August 11, 2004

malkin has lost her mind, seriously

first, she says "racial profiling" in times of war, including rounding up members of an ehtnic group into internment camps is a valid means of ensuring national security. she then laments the fact that reparations were given to all members of that class (ethnic japanese put in internment camps), without figuring out which members of that class were actually loyal (it's on - i'd link it, but she went after my roommate's friend for writing something she disagreed with - what a total chump - overly sensitive little twat isn't she?). well, damn those yellow people! how selfish of them!

and then she does a 180 and does a "remember the white folks who were locked up!" now, i believe the ethnic germans and italians in the camps should have gotten reparations, but malkin has consistently given whites a "free pass" while criticizing brown folks in her columns. i don't make this charge lightly, but malkin really wishes she were a white anglo saxon protestant, and she lives in her own little bubble in never never land. it's completely insane. i know she thinks the left is one-sided for unilaterally siding with non white folks (or so she thinks), but she decides to "make up for it" by almost unilaterally trashing brown folks. it just ain't right.

and most irritating of all, she uses the term "racial profiling" rather than "national origin" in the title of her book. that's just plain retarded. "race" and "national origin" are two entirely different things. it basically profiles people on the color of their skin, not their national origin. a sikh and a saudi will be treated the same. and a japanese and a filipino. yes, that's right, malkin. you'd be tossed in a camp if your terminology were followed literally in WW2. and if "racial profiling" were really what you are seeking, shouldn't all irish, polish, french, and british-americans been thrown into internment camps along with the germans and italians?

for the record, i have no problems detaining people with travel patterns on their passport that hit countries that harbor terrorists for an extra hour or so just to do some background checks. and hell... if there is a group of men from saudi arabia who were caught on security camera putting suspicious things in a box, it would be stupid to let them wander around without asking them a few questions just because you're afraid of being labeled as a racist. malkin talks about putting national security over hurt feelings in this column. i agree with that statement in and of itself. but to deprive people of life, liberty or property... violates the very fundamental values this country was built on. it isn't just about "hurt feelings." it's about basic core american values and finding a means that is narrowly tailored to the desired end. sure, you can make sure that children won't be subjected to pornography by burning all magazines, but that's a little extreme isn't it?


Morgaine said...

Did you catch Malkin on Bill Maher's show last night? Man, did she ever drink the Kool-Aid. She was smug, snippy and defended the NeoCons at every turn. The audience clearly hated her. What a shame to be so young and yet such a Republican tool. The bitter irony is that the people she so desperately wants to be one of couldn't care less about her.

FM said...

well i suppose it's one way to gain notoriety and make a wad of cash. i think there are better ways, but hey, to each her own. what a twat.