Monday, August 09, 2004

Hear Me Whimper

i am now into my third week of internet-less living.

i despise comcast because they are thieving assholes. to get cable modem service installed for more than one computer, they demand you pay them $150. it doesn't make things harder for them. it's just an excuse to charge you extra. i set up one of my roommates with cable modem access on my existing service on my OWN at my old apartment. it took about 5 minutes to accomplish.

assholes. i wonder if it's possible to have them install the service for one person and then add my roommates afterwards using my trusty old router? if not, i think i'm going to get DSL instead. the fact that comcast is the only cable company that serves cambridge explains everything. i think they need a little competition. two years ago, there were two options for cable modem service in cambridge, and surprise, surprise, there were no bogus $150 fees for hooking up multiple computers to the internet.

rcn was really fantastic. the only bitch i have with them is that they charged $80 to wire up my roommate's room for cable tv. but i cannot complain about their services. their tech support actually knew what they were talking about, and they fixed service problems quickly.

for the prices comcast is charging, i better get oral sex on demand.

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