Saturday, August 07, 2004


and i don't mean the movie starring ben affleck and liv tyler...

Images of an end time in the Middle East stretch from the Hebrew books of Jeremiah, Zechariah and Daniel to the New Testament's gospel of Matthew and the book of Revelation.The more apocalyptic interpretations see the return of Jews to Israel, the rise of an anti-Christ, a new world government and a final battle of Armageddon as key features in God's plan. During the Gulf war, some evangelicals said Saddam Hussein was the anti-Christ and likened the smoke of burning oil wells to Matthew's allusion to how "the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light." Also in Matthew, Jesus said that before His return, "Ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars."
ugh... where's the "off" button? why do people have to be so KARAZY?!

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