Wednesday, July 28, 2004

an outing on "the simpsons"

andrew sullivan reports that a regularly recurring character on "the simpsons" will be coming out this season. who will it be?

this follow-up post is classic.

"sounds like david souter." best. line. ever.

my bet is definitely on principal skinner or marge simpson's sister (patty), and possibly lisa simpson. i also think the pub owner would be a great closet case. of course, if it were ned flanders, that would be subversive and like... totally notorious and fun!

betting pool? anyone? anyone?

and let's hear it for barack obama! (emily1, you can watch the speeches streamed from cnn when you get your internet back).


FM said...


Julius Civitatus said...

Mr. Smithers (Mr. Burns' assistant) has always been a step short of coming out of the closet, but I don't think they have openly talked about his sexual orientation. They have most definitely hinted it.

My money is on Mr. Smithers coming out, finally. Big time.

emily1 said...

i agree. smithers is finally going to leave his closet.

emily1 said...
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