Wednesday, June 02, 2004


i've been meaning to say something to the people who never tire of their cynical defeatism regarding the prospects of a democratic victory this november.

they continually whine about how much they hate bush, but never muster any enthusiasm for unseating him. not only that, they never fail to let everybody else in on their gloomy expectations. i'm sick of this shit. there's nothing that saps the energy to change a bad situation more than the asshole who sits around telling everybody how they'll never succeed.

my message to those people: get the fuck out of way. go home and throw your own personal pity party. for the last 30 years, the right-wing reactionary hoarde has enagaged in psychological warfare on their political opponents, namely us. we're subjected to one nauseating editorial after another about the irrelevancy of liberals and liberal ideals. there has been a never-ending stream of verbal vomit from these puckered-asshole types bloviating about how the democrats are in 'disarray' and 'have no message.'

we don't need you to serve up yet another helping of negativity on top of the steaming pile of shit served up every damn day by right wing media machine. you represent their most perfect victories -- they have apparently effectively brain-washed you into giving up before we've even begun to fight which is exactly what what those hateful harpies intended to do. those of you who have decided your role is to be an involuntary bullhorn for their bullshit propaganda are part of the problem.

did you people ever learn anything in school? do you think that civil rights legislation was popular in 1950s america? do you think that giving african americans the right to vote was popular in nineteenth century america? do you think giving women the right to vote was popular in the early twentieth century america? do you think that reproductive rights were popular in 1970s america?

there have been very few liberal achievements that were popularly supported before they earned their well-deserved successes. those pioneering activists were willing to endure violence, ridicule, losing their jobs, and constant threats of retaliation because they believed their cause was just and they had the will to keep striving for change. i'm sure they lost both friends and family because of their beliefs. they had the courage that you lack. you could learn something from them. if it only takes someone else telling you that liberals don't have a chance in america for you to give up, then you're worse than a coward. you're an idiot. gore WON THE POPULAR VOTE in 2000.

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