Sunday, May 23, 2004

Onward Christian Soldiers

commentor erwill at the eschaton notes that the christian zealot website also contains a screed that states islam is a warlike religion. the author cites thousand year old examples of religious persecution of jews and christians at the hands of muslims as 'proof' of her claim. i could go through the christian bible and quote tracts that contain instructions on selling one's wife and daughters into slavery. i could even cite the part where god's chosen are instructed to murder all the men, male children and non-virgin women of a conquered people and take the virgin females as war booty, but i did my time in the christian ghetto of appalachia and don't want to relive that right now. another time maybe.

the idiocy of all this self-righteous christian victimhood is that they want to use examples of massacres that were motivated as much by ancient, violent tribal law as they were by religious zealotry. the ancient texts of judaism, christianity, and islam reflect the social conditions of that time. so do the historical events they document. but i suppose that trying to teach children the practice of critical thinking and interpretation of history is 'propaganda' and 'brain-washing'.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

can i observe her tagline?

"Jennifer Schroeder is a common soccer mom and founder of, a website dedicated to exposing the propaganda in public schools and textbooks."

first thing on her website: the Aryan Jebus Picture.

and she's still doing her shpiel.