Thursday, May 06, 2004

New Reason For The Iraq War

another comment from little green footballs:

... snip ...

"Yes, there's a war going on right now, a war which is ultimately fighting for our freedom and must not lose."

oh, so it wasn't about liberating iraq. we invaded iraq to fight for our freedom.


"It will be a long time before the west truly understands the Arab psychology... hopefully it won't be too late. We MUST hold these people to the same moral standards that we hold ourselves to, otherwise they'll never learn."

excuse me? the arab psychology? what the fuck is this person saying? i thought we went to war to liberate iraq from saddam's tyrannical, bloodthirsty reign. isn't that holding a middle eastern government to a moral standard that despises 'rape rooms' and 'torture.' it would appear then, that we are failing to live up to the standards hinted at here.


the arab world needs to be taught a lesson, and we are the ones to teach them.

"The feeding frenzy demonstrates that even those who hate America and the UK - and never miss a chance to express that hatred - expect us all to adhere to a certain standard of moral decency."

okay, i'm really getting lost in this rather tortured logic. people who expect american troops to abide by the geneva convention (ie, expect us to live up to a 'certain moral standard' that includes not torturing prisoners or war) 'hate america.'

"It is useful to remember these incidents and compare the near indifference they have elicited from those same "human-rights" organizations, media outlets and America/UK-bashers involved in the feeding frenzy accompanying the Abu Ghraib prison and Iraqi prisoner abuse scandals. The disparity of outrage is quite revealing."

actually, the only thing revealed is this person's complete ignorance of the efforts that human rights organizations have made to raise consciousness about human rights abuses all over the world. it's just that a lot of bush supporters didn't really give a shit about human rights abuses until this war happened.

"The press were quiet when our boys were, in many cases ambushed by terrorists in civilian clothes and murdered. There was a 24 hour outrage when the 4 US civilians were murdered in Fallujah, their bodies subsequently burnt and mutilated, by people who have no respect for the fallen."

actually, i remember this being all over the news. so, i call bullshit. whereas the abuses of detainees by american soldiers was first reported in the media months ago, but only recently got wide coverage.

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