Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Things What I Didn't Need to Know

i'm not sure what makes me more unhappy, this tidbit of information:

Most adults have contracted herpes Type 1 by the time they are 40, and some can pass on the virus even when they are showing no signs of mouth sores.
... or that the information pertains to an article about a particularly sketchy form of infant circumcision called metzitzah b'peh "oral suction".

that's right: the moyhel conducting the bris in certain psycho-religious communities sucks the wound on the poor baby's putzl.

herpes-one is the cold-sores one, not the genital one, but...

In people with weak immune systems, as all newborns have, it can cause meningitis, liver damage and even death.
okay. i'll be honest. when i were a baby, i were circumcised. and i'm fairly bitter about it - people might say that xodå wanted me to have the end of my genitals snipped off, but i certainly didn't. the uncircumcised enjoy significantly higher sexual enjoyment.

and, well, that's the way i were born, so why would i want to fuck with it? you can mark a commitment to xodå with a cut and not a complete back-alley nip'n'tuck.

of course, i'm a transdyke, so this is all going to be moot - hopefully sooner rather than later - since the surgery in question provides a clitoral hood, the approximate equivalent of the foreskin.

yeah, think that one over. imagine someone cut off your clitoral hood at birth.

anyway, i think this practice of brisim by metzitzah b'peh highly appalling even before it causes death and brain damage in newborn males.

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