Thursday, August 11, 2005

coming around here often

this amusing tidbit was randomly stumbled on by my roomie.

Yesterday was the last day of summer as far as my kids are concerned. Today they start school. So, to close out the summer I took them for a swim at our local YMCA. I don't swim. I read. So I'm sitting there reading and I look up and my kids are playing a game of water tag with another kid I don't know. No problem, he seems like a nice boy and he looks to be about the same age as my son.

Things go fine until time to go. That's when my daughter says something to this kid that made my head spin with horrible images of future 'hope nots'.

She said, and I quote, "So...You come here often?"

Wiggs me out just typing it here! But to her credit, she pronounced it right.

thanks, darling.

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