Friday, July 01, 2005

deep impact?!

so, in my own biased summation, NASA is spending $333 million to "thread a needle" by "hoping" to crash a spacecraft into a comet and have another spacecraft record the information--hoping to find what's contained inside those oft-astronomerically-named comets. they/i/we believe that those comets came from the far reaches of the universe, about 4.6 billion years ago, and if there's some data to be found inside, then we'll know something.

that really tears me apart. i'm up for things in the name of science, but i am definitely re-appalled at just how much frikkin money is spent on obtaining certain pieces of knowledge (like *cough*weapons of mass destruction*cough*), when we all know that $333 million could save a lot of people from hunger and homelessness.

this could also be an intergalactic sin, and the death of the being(s) inside the comet brings immediate pain to everything in the Solar System.

[or is this somehow, in some freakish way, an experiment for war machinery?]

[i definitely need to finish reading The Hitchhiker's Guide...]

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