Thursday, June 09, 2005

speaking of irony...

well, here's chutzpah for you. an israeli journalist had a piece submitted under a pseudonym to maariv, an israeli newspaper, that was a brilliant fucking send-up of warmongering, violence and the use of force. and got fired.

wanna know why? and wanna copy his style and submit variations of his letter to american newspapers?

this piece was published in the chain of local magazines published by the israeli tabloid maariv. it appeared in october 2003, and was written under the name "a. schickelgruber". maariv missed the irony, not realizing that "adolf schickelgruber" was the birth name of adolf hitler; nor did they notice that the text consisted of a bunch of quotes from "mein kampf" and other hitler speeches and writings pasted together. after realizing what they had done, they sacked the columnist who wrote the piece, yehuda nuriel.
you gotta read the piece as published - it's on an antizionist website i frequently disagree with, but when you read the article, you'll see why no-one caught it for ages.

because this is the kind of shit people feel safe saying out loud, even though it's fascist jingoism. and i'm talking about the united states, not israel, when i talk about politics.

i feel a letter-writing campaign coming on. who else can we mine for hideous speeches and then use to expose the repuglican agenda for what it is?

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