Wednesday, June 22, 2005


top chinatown snakehead convicted. "sister ping," underground crime boss extraordinaire, has been convicted of human smuggling. that's what ya get when you get greedy, hire a street gang to beat people you tricked to come to the united states to scare them into paying smuggling fees, and then throw people into indentured servitude (including prostitution if the restaurant job doesn't work out - retaurant jobs pay less than minimum wage anyway - and you *wonder* why there is such a demand for these workers - the demand is partially driven by storeowners wishing to circumvent the law) for years to pay off the debt. "doing good" and allowing people to achieve the "american dream"? fuck that. there is no "american dream" if you are a de facto prisoner. anyone with half a brain can see through this crap. bye bye sister ping!!!

things in china certainly aren't as good as they can be, but with the opening up of their economy, even factory workers are making enough to save. that link cuts off the rest of the article, but it basically says that she is able to save more than half of what she makes, and she's planning to move on and get a better job later.

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