"back in your face!" is an arabic proverb you say when some moron spits on the sidewalk. turn the evil coming out of someone's mouth back onto them.
and, for the sake of all that is good and pure and enlightened in the world, let us all now say out loud, "BACK IN YOUR FACE!"
because they can't stop spitting on our street, and i don't want to catch their tuberculosis.
in today's paper:
Refusing to give up on the Terri Schiavo case, Gov. Jeb Bush has asked Pinellas prosecutors to sort out time discrepancies Michael Schiavo has provided regarding the hour he found his wife unconscious 15 years ago.you have got to be fucking kidding me. you can't be seriously demanding this?!? shut the fuck up. no, really. shut. the. fuck. up.State Attorney Bernie McCabe has agreed to review the time elements in the case, his chief assistant, Bruce Bartlett, said Thursday.
Michael Schiavo has said he called 911 immediately after finding his wife collapsed on the floor of their home on Feb. 25, 1990. Though medical records indicate he called 911 about 5:40 a.m. that day, he told the Medical Examiner's Office recently that he found his wife about 4:30 a.m.unbelievable. i'm reading today's paper and this is the shit i see.The detail fueled suspicions by Terri Schiavo's parents, Bob and Mary Schindler, that Michael Schiavo had some wicked connection to their daughter's collapse and may have delayed his call for help.
"I think this is a very troubling gap in time," Schindler attorney David Gibbs III said Wednesday. "Michael Schiavo needs to step forward and explain."
Michael Schiavo's attorney, George Felos, said if he did give a different time than previously, it was simply a mistake in recalling a detail of an event 15 years ago.
"I think it's preposterous and ludicrous that if Michael did say 4:30 or 5 or something like that, that there's any issue," Felos said. "The opponents of Terri Schiavo's wishes are intent on creating a controversy in this case where none exists."
i'm incoherent with rage. these stupid bastards are completely fucking unable to take responsibility, to be wrong. they can't be wrong. they are so unable to deal with the fact that they were wrong that they are trying to get michael schiavo, who went to nursing school and never divorced his comatose wife, to get the death penalty for her murder.
because you know that's where this is going, don't you? there's no expiration date on a murder charge.
not only that, the autopsy specialist who prepared the report for the governor indicated that terry would have been deceased if michael's recent tongue-slip really were true - it was obviously a mistake in memory because of this.
but they can't take it. she wasn't abused, as they claimed. she wasn't put into a coma because of abuse either, as they claimed. and now they can't let this poor fucking man get on with his life and mourning. no, they need to go after him because they can't handle being wrong.
damnit, this makes me mad enough to spit.
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