Thursday, May 05, 2005


ha ha ha! sweet!

just remember, kiddos: we don't care that she's anorexic or transsexual. we hate her because she's a self-righteous demagogue who needs to lay off the tina (look at that eye shadow - girl has been up all night doing meth). and a hypocrite, and a nasty human being.

but it sure is fun to see how much she clocks. ("clock" is queerspeak for "being noticed as a genderqueer when you're trying to pass for not one".)

and boy, does she clock.

again, back to the basics: single, right-wing social conservative woman preaching. isn't that an oxymoron? shouldn't she be, by her own requirements, married, chaste before marriage, and not talking in public? the feminism she rails against is exactly the social movement that enables her to scream and shout her idiocy! irony, much?

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