Friday, April 01, 2005

another shi'a assassination...

... in pakistan. who wants to bet this was carried out by sipah-i sahaba, the deobandi terrorist organisation?

Police in the Pakistani city of Lahore say a prominent Shia seminary teacher has been shot dead.

The scholar, Allama Ghulam Hussain Najafi, was killed and his daughter injured when unidentified gunmen opened fire on his car on Friday afternoon.

The police say they believe the murder was sectarian. [snip] Two other people in Mr Najafi's car were also reportedly injured in the attack. [snip] Mr Najafi ran an Islamic school for girls in Lahore.

now i know nothing of the personal politics and the like of najafi - but what i do know is that he was murdered in front of his family on his way to his job as a principal at a girl's school.

i wonder we'll learn about his role in pakistan that he should be targetted... maybe it's just that he was a shi'i.

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