Monday, February 07, 2005

jazeera int'l edition highlights plan to strike iran

i know it's been in the news, but it's nice to read jazeera's take on things.

which brings me to the point that if you haven't seen control room, you should make a very serious attempt to do so. you can read a review of the movie by clicking above and see for yourself why.

U.S.-Israel plan to strike Irans nuclear sites finalized
2/6/2005 4:00:00 PM GMT

Experts from the U.S. Defense Department, the Pentagon and Israel have put final touches to a plan to launch a military strike targeting Iran’s nuclear facilities, experts at the European Commission based in Brussels revealed on Sunday.

The experts added that the implementation of this plan rested on a number of factors including the U.S. continuous efforts to hamper the EU-Iranian negotiations to persuade Iran to suspend all activities related to uranium enrichment, with the aim of justifying a military strike against the Islamic republic if it refused to bow to U.S. pressures.

The U.S. administration has stepped up pressure against Tehran over the past few months, claiming that it was covertly trying to develop a nuclear weapons’ program.

The EC experts, moreover, said that Washington was intensifying its intelligence activities aimed at spying on the Iranian nuclear sites and was also making use of the old laws allowing the CIA to support coup d'états and arousing sectarian and ethnic conflicts in different countries.

ooh, here's my very favouritest bit:
Yesterday, American news sources reported that U.S. senators have set up a review panel of the CIA's intelligence on Iran in order to try and avoid the pitfalls that marked the lead up to the invasion of Iraq.

"We have to be more pre-emptive on this committee to try to look ahead and determine our capabilities so that you don't get stuck with a situation like you did with Iraq," Republican Sen. Pat Roberts, chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, was quoted as saying.

During his State of the Union speech on Wednesday, President Bush had called Iran "the world's primary state sponsor of terror" and repeated accusations that Iran is trying to develop nuclear weapons.

Iran has continuously denied those charges and says its nuclear program is aimed solely at generating power for civilian use.

However, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice when in London on a week long visit to European capitals said on Friday that an attack on Iran was not on the agenda "at this point in time."

According media sources, Senator Roberts stated, "The aim of the Senate review is to ensure that any weaknesses in American intelligence on Iran are being disclosed to policymakers, and that U.S. spy agencies have adequate resources to fill gaps in collecting information on the Islamic republic."

The top Democrat on the committee John Rockefeller is quoted as saying "One of the lessons we learned from Iraq was not to take all information at face value and to ask more questions in the beginning than in the end."

The cautious approach by the Senate Intelligence Committee is due to the Bush administration's invasion of Iraq being based on the false allegations of Iraq possessing weapons of mass destruction.

Senior aides said the review is part of a broader effort by the committee to anticipate potential intelligence gaps rather than investigating failures after they occur.

In a harshly critical report made public last July, the Committee said U.S. intelligence agencies overstated the Iraqi threat, relied on dubious sources and ignored contrary evidence in the run-up to the war.

Senator Roberts said the review would take place largely behind closed doors and that it was still in its early stages.

According to committee aides, the review is not a formal investigation and that there are no plans to make its findings public.

frelling wonderful. i tell you, i dunno why i have this burning need to watch our hurtling progress towards a henry-made apocalypse. and i say henry-made because who is in power? The Wizard of US & his army of cloned yes-henrys, all of which are in their trademark green-tinted goggles.

oh, right, plus the one staffmember who gets mentioned by name because she's an emily. wow, anyone notice she's also black? bush gets to check off two ticks on the Diversity Card with our emily Sweetness (aka "Arbusto's second wife").

whoops, i meant to say "Condaleeza (Bush's second wife)." look what happens when you switch which name is in Spanish! (... in case that was too obscure: Arbusto Energy, an oil company, was Wuh's first company, founded in 1979.)

o my henrys and emilys, après moi, le déluge! it was said of henri XV and it should be said of Arbusto "mi Arbustito" el Secundo. après lui, le déluge!


Unknown said...

see, that's what makes this country loathed throughout the world, oops i meant great. people who understand that their opinions are not self-negating troll-twaddle. isn't there a bridge you're supposed to be under?

emily1 said...

emily0, please *ignore* the troll. he isn't worth your time. the general is just annoyed that his inflammatory ramblings haven't provoked enough people lately, so, he came back here to see if he could pick a fight. that is his _only_ reason for being here. he's not interested in anything you think, feel, or have to say. if you're going to have a dialogue with this twat could you please take it to his blog and fling the shit there? the real mature thing to do would be to ignore the fucker until he finds someone else to pick on.